Cameron and Kasey Marcum

Cameron and Kasey Marcum

The Baby

Ok- So we were wrong... They baby is a little boy!  Over the past month, I've had some very vivid dreams about the baby being a boy and really started to change my mind.  I wasn't 100% sure, but when thinking about the reality of having a child running around, it always was accompanied with superman shirts and a towel pinned around the neck like a cape.  When we went to the ultrasound, the lady wasn't sure if we'd be able to tell yet which made us nervous.  That was the whole point!  She ran us through the heartbeat, fingers and toes, and then the 11th finger... :)  Kasey was floored that it wasn't a little girl, but for some reason I wasn't as surprised.  We really haven't prepared for even naming the baby so we'll have to go through baby names and see.  I can't wait for little ______ to come!

So- We're convinced the baby is a she and can't stand the wait anymore.  We've got to buy something that makes this whole thing real.  I came home from golfing this evening and Kasey bought these outfits.  Yea, I think this little one is going to be a bit spoiled...

Here is our first ultrasound!
This is the video we made to tell everyone we're pregnant!